Start by searching for streaming video content. We currently subscribe to ten streaming video providers including Academic Video Online, Films on Demand, and PBS Video collection. You can search or browse each of these providers individually or search them all at the same time using the Library Catalog.
To search for videos using the catalog, go to the Library Home Page and select the Library Catalog from the Search In drop-down menu. Enter a few words that describe what you're looking for and click Search.
On the right-hand side of the search results page, you'll see a long list of limits you can use to refine your results. Under Format, choose Audio Visual. Then, under the Resource Type heading, limit to Full Text Online for streaming videos. Click on the title of a video to learn more and get access.
In the View It section, click on the blue link to go to the video.
Now that you're at the provider's site, look for a share button that should offer a permalink to the video. Each provider's site works a little differently so ultimately what you're looking for is a link that includes this:
Copy that link. Log in to D2L, navigate to your course, then select Content on the navbar. Go to the module where the video is to reside. Next, select the Update/Create button. From the drop-down menu, select Create a Link.
Enter a title in the Title area. Paste the link from the streaming video provider in the URL box. Click on the Create button.
Watch the video below to see this process in action.
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