Answered By: Carrie Bishop
Last Updated: Jul 07, 2020     Views: 142


In order to legally show a movie to a group at an event, you need to find videos in which the public performance rights have been purchased or included.  

What are Public Performance Rights?

Public Performance Rights (PPR) are the legal rights to publicly show a film or video (media). Normally the media producer or distributor manages these rights. The rights-holder (or their designate) can assign PPR to others through a Public Performance License.

Showing media, whether borrowed from the library or rented, purchased, or streamed, to groups outside of the classroom may be illegal, and may place the University at legal risk.

Do I need to obtain performance rights?

Yes No
if the screening is open to the public, such as showing a foreign-language film to the community for cultural enrichment if privately viewing the film in your room with friends
if the screening is in a public space where access is not restricted, such as an instructor showing a film to a class for curriculum-related purposes in a public or unrestricted-access location if an instructor is showing the film to officially registered students in a classroom, where content of film directly relates to course*
if persons attending are outside the normal circle of family and acquaintances, such as showing a film to a club or organization, or showing a film for class but inviting others to attend if the film is part of the library's streaming services (see below), is accessed through the library's network, and viewing is for the IUP community, and free of charge (no admission fee) 


The IUP Libraries has two video collections in which all or some of the videos include the public performance rights and can be shown to groups.

  1. All videos in Films on Demand have public performance rights included.
  2. Most videos in Academic Video Online have public performance rights included with the exception of videos produced by the following companies:
    • Ro*Co Films
    • Cat&Docs
    • Autlook Filmsales
    • First Hand Films
    • Cinephil
    • Go2Films

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