Answered By: Chris Clouser
Last Updated: Sep 22, 2022     Views: 2311

We use the Library of Congress call numbers to organize our books by subject and keep books on similar topics together on the shelves.  Call numbers usually look something like this:

Books are organized on the shelves alphabetically by the general subject area, and then in numerical order based on the specific subject area (the cutter and date help refine the order the books go on the shelf, if needed).

Once you've found a call number for a book, follow these steps to find it on the shelves in Stapleton Library:

  1. Identify which floor the book is on:
    • 1st floor: call numbers starting with [REF]
    • 2nd floor: call numbers starting with A-K
    • 3rd floor: call numbers starting with L-Z and Oversize
  2. Look at the cards on the end of each shelf - they'll tell you what range of call numbers that side of the shelf holds.  Use these to find the shelf holding your book.
  3. Moving from left to right, work your way along the shelf, looking at the spine labels on the books, to find your call number!

If you can't find the book you're looking for, ask one of the library personnel for help!

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