The best answer is...maybe.
As a general rule, the IUP Library does not collect textbooks used in courses at the University. Textbooks change too frequently for them to be a valuable part of our permanent collection. We do, however, have some textbooks as part of the Course Reserves Collection at the Circulation Desk.
This collection is made up of course materials, like textbooks, journal articles, old exams, and professor's notes, that faculty choose to make available in the library for students to borrow.
Often these materials can only be checked out for short periods of time, like 1-3 hours, and must be used within the library. This is determined by the faculty and will vary from course to course.
You can use our online system to see if any of the materials for your courses are on Course Reserve. Go to the Library homepage at In the Search Our Collections box, type in the professor's name, the name of the course, or the title or author of the book. In the Search In drop down box, choose Course Reserves. Click Search.
To borrow any of these materials, ask at the circulation desk. You will need to know your professor's name and the course number (for example, ENGL 101) and have your I-Card with you.
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