Answered By: Carrie Bishop
Last Updated: Nov 04, 2020     Views: 186

If you have the citation, you have everything you need to track down the article.  You will need to know what each piece of the citation means, too.  For example, do you know which part is the article title and which is the journal title?  Can you identify the volume and issue numbers in the citation?  If yes, great, you're ready to move on.  If not, take a minute to review the examples shown on this research guide.

The simplest way to track down your article is to use the IUP Libraries Discovery Search

  • On the libraries website, type the article title into the Search Our Collections box.  The Search In drop-down menu should already be set to Discovery.  Click Search.
  • Locate the article title in the result list and click on the Check for full text link.  The links on the next page will link you to the full text of the article.

If the article didn't appear in the result list, you can try searching for the journal in which this article appears. 

  • In the search box, type in the journal title and choose Library Catalog instead of Discovery.
  • Locate the journal title in the result list and click on the Check for full text link. Again, click on the links, but instead of going straight to an article, you'll end up at a listing of issues for this journal. 
  • Using the information you have from your citation (year, volume, date), use the tools to navigate to the correct issue and look for the article.

If you still can't locate the article, ask a librarian for help!



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