Answered By: Chris Clouser
Last Updated: Oct 25, 2019     Views: 136

The best way to search for wordless books for children is to use the Advanced Search option of our library catalog.

You can access the library catalog from the IUP Libraries website at  In the "Search In" drop-down menu, choose library catalog.  Do not put anything in the "Search Our Collections" box and click Search.

This will get you to the screen where you can choose the Advanced Search option.  Click Advanced Search to the right of the search bar.

You will see a drop-down menu that says "Any field." Click on the arrow to open the menu and choose Subject.  Type "Stories without words" into the search field (without quotation marks) and click Search.

The system will return records for all of the titles we have in the library that are classified as stories without words.  Most, if not all, of these books will be held in the Children's Collection which is on the 2nd floor of Stabley Library.  If you need to limit your results to only books held in the Children's Collection, you can use the limits on the right hand side of the results page.  Scroll down in the list until you see the Location heading.  Choose Children's Collection.


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