Answered By: Chris Clouser
Last Updated: Nov 12, 2019     Views: 4724

"On Order" is part of the process of the library acquiring (purchasing) a book.  It means that we've made the decision to get it, and sent an order to the publisher, but it has not arrived yet.  When a book does arrive, its status changes to "Received" with a date of when it came in.  The book will then move through the cataloging process to get a call number.   If there is a call number on the record, the book should be on the shelf and ready to go.

Sometimes it may take a little time for a newly received book to move through the cataloging process.  If you need a book in the catalog that has a "Received" status, you can request that we expedite the process.  We have a "Rush Cataloging" request form ( that you can fill out.  It will go to our staff and they will process the book for you.  You will be contacted when the book is available.  Turnaround time is usually one working day.

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