Where you can find a book depends on both the location and the call number from the online catalog.
If the location is listed as Stapleton Library, those books are on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Those with call numbers beginning A thru K are found on the 2nd floor, and L thru Z are on the 3rd. If the call number is noted as "Oversize" or begins with a three digit number, those are also on the 3rd floor.
If the location is given as "Special Collections", these are in a separate office on the 3rd floor. Books marked "Stapleton Reference" or "Schafer Collection" are found on the 1st floor. Books marked "Children's Collection" are on the 2nd floor in the Stabley Library. "Microarea" and "Serials Department" are found on the ground floor.
Visit Library Spaces to learn more about locations in the Stapleton and Stabley Libraries.
The catalog also includes materials housed in the Orendorff Music Library in Cogswell Hall.
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